Thursday, December 20, 2012

Fit Tip

Don't forget that eating right and exercise are what make a healthy and hot body.  So, as Christmas is just about here, your diet might be on the fit cliff so don't let exercise, or lack thereof, be the push to send you over.  So no excuses, here is a circuit to hit in the living room (or anywhere!) for the next week.

Do all of these exercises for 60 seconds each with no rest in between moves:
  1. Jumping jacks
  2. Squat to curl (no dumbbells?  use 2 liter bottles, canned foods, shampoo bottles...)
  3. Push-ups (use a stability ball if possible, hands on ball/feet on floor)
  4. Single leg cobra (stand on one leg, dumbbells in front of body, lean forward slightly.  pull arm opposite of stance leg back and down-keep thumb pointing up.  pause and return to start.) switch sides after 30 seconds.
  5. Burpee
  6. Stability leg curl (if no ball, use a riser available, stair, ottoman, stacked books...and perform hip extensions/bridge)
  7. Alternating dumbbell row
  8. Single leg lateral raise (stand on single leg, toes pointing forward, knee slightly bent.  raise one arm out to shoulder level, palms down.  pause.  return to start)  switch sides after 30 seconds
  9. Mountain climbers
Add this to your schedule this week.  You know how to reach me if you need help with the exerises or just have any questions (or complaints! ho-ho-ho!).

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Fit Tip

Getting down to the wire on this holiday business so don't waste time!  When exercising, stay focused and move quickly through the workout.  Take fewer, shorter rests between sets to burn more calories and maintain concentration on your training.  Super sets and intervals will do you right. 
A 30 minute session will make you feel great!  Just stay calm and carry on.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Fit Tip

I've got a delicious recipe that's quick, healthy, and absolutely "party worthy."  Make up a batch of this to serve with whole grain bread for a satisfying dinner or serve small portions as a smart starter.

Cream of Asparagus Soup

2 tsp olive oil
1/2 medium onion, chopped
3 cups no-salt added vegetable broth or stock
1 bunch, fresh, raw asparagus, trimmed, chopped into 2 inch pieces (about 3 cups)
  • In a saucepan, heat oil over medium heat.  Add onion and saute for about 2-3 minutes.
  • Add stock and asparagus.  Cover and cook for about 20 minutes or until asparagus is tender.
  • Remove from heat.  Puree until smooth.
This recipe makes four servings at only 74 calories each.

Asparagus is an excellent source of potassium, vitamin K, folic acid, vitamins C and A, riboflavin,
thiamine, and vitamin B6.
  The anti-inflammatory properties will booster you through all the holiday stress, shopping and working out!

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Yep, it's a Fit Tip

Some tips just can't be repeated enough!

Stress is already knocking on my door and I'm finding it difficult to stay focused and on task.  Anyone?

                                        Stop.  Breathe.  Relax.

Take a minute to plan how the next month is going to look for you and be sure and write it down.

Don't hesitate to put yourself first.
Create one goal for the month.  Mine is to NOT GAIN WEIGHT.  Feel free to copy that.
Eat a variety of colors daily.
Sleep at least seven hours nightly.
Exercise daily-at least five minutes, four times a day if you can't fit in a full session.
Yes!  That is 7 days a week, every week!

The most important tip I can off is to give yourself a break if things don't go perfectly.  Tomorrow will be here soon enough and you can try it all over again.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fit Tip

My favorite tip is the one you already know, you just refuse to utilize!  As Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and Christmas not so far behind, be cognisant of all the tips of holidays past...

As soon as you enter the party, grab a drink (water, tea, spritzer is best)!  One hand for extending, the other for holding a glass.
Use a small plate when grazing as well as dining.
Save space on your plate for the favorite items you dismiss all year; have a sample of all-time faves and skip the chips and salsa, ranch dip, etc. 
Eat!  Don't deprive yourself of a taste of dressing, hot rolls, sweet potato casserole, pie, whatever rocks your world on the holidays.
Don't skip meals; "saving up calories" just leads to overeating.  Have a reasonable breakfast consisting of protein and good carbs.  So I repeat, Eat!

It wouldn't be a fit tip if I didn't talk exercise, so on Thanksgiving and all the weeks to follow, keep in mind that some is better than none!  My wish is that everyone would hit it over the long weekend, but reality often presents itself differently.  Consider a walk around the block with that friend or relative you've been meaning to chat with.  What a great way to burn some calories and fuel the love!

Most importantly, keep it all in check!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fit Tip

No body's Perfect!
Missed your workout yesterday?  Overate at the company dinner?  Drank too much watching the Texans?

Just remember to get back on track as soon as possible.  Don't stress out!  This is life so roll with it.
If you're tempted to skip a workout just because your week isn't going as planned, tell yourself you'll feel better when its over!  You so will.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Fit Tip

So I've already got the holiday blues!  How can it be November 1 (and by the by, I witnessed this happening in late October) and Christmas decorations already dispersed on the streets and in the shops?  Ugh.

Well, if its good enough for retailers, then its good enough for me...!  Start preparing your holiday fitness plans.

At this point, I would assume its already happening.  You've either got a whole ton of leftover candy in your decorative Halloween bowl, you've pilfered candy from your kids' bags, the office is stocked with (see above)...and the parties for future events are on the calendar in orange, red and green. 
Travel plans?  Booked.  Thanksgiving recipes bookmarked.  Christmas shopping?  Lists being made. Sales promotions?  Dog-eared the desired outfit for office party, with must-have boots.

Now, the tip.  PLAN YOUR EATING and EXERCISE SCHEDULE NOW!  Do not, do not, do not, wait until the week of Thanksgiving to "get in shape" and absolutely do not wait to think about what and how you are going to eat.

Put it in ink, share it with a friend, coworker, partner, a trainer.  Make 2012 your year to feel great and bonus, look great throughout the holidays and into the New Year. 

Imagine a year you don't have to launch with beginning a fitness routine.  
We love 2013

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Fit Tip

I've gotten into the habit of helping myself to a "second breakfast" be it good or bad.  My husband lovingly (?) calls me Hobbit.  And it seems like no matter what I eat-eggs, oatmeal, Kashi, Greek yogurt, berries, whey protein smoothies, waffles, pancakes, muffin...!!!!  I'm starving before 9:00.

I just saw this recipe in Fitness Magazine Nov/Dec issue and I can't wait to give it a go and see if my tummy holds off  a little bit longer.  It sounds delicious, easy, and packed full of all the healthy stuff meant to fill us up and keep us full.

Slice an avocado in half, lengthwise, remove the pit and carve some additional space in the center.  Crack an egg into the cavity.  Bake at 425 degrees for about 10 minutes or until set.  Enjoy!

It just sounds so good!  Give it a try and holler at me if you get creative with spices or additions.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fit Tip

I watched this Share Care video today (you know how much I love Dr. Oz!) and had so much fun watching I hopped up and danced along.  Yep, breathing heavy by the time it was finished and laughing it all off.  So fun I really had to share.

And of course, all the fun...just for grins...if you try out the dance with Stepp Stewart and think its as much of a hoot as I do, I'll throw in 30 minutes of focused arm training for anyone who replies/sends me a photo, or better yet, a video of you working off your echo arms.
Don't live in Houston?  I'll send email exercises you can try in the safety of your own living room (or at the gym/park/playground...)

Challenge sent! 

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Fit Tip

I'd like to blame the fall weather, but since it's only been cool two days here in Houston, that can't be it.  My appetite is crazy lately!  I could just about eat the whole house and the gardens. 

This week, I'm going to try to slow my roll while I nosh.  I'm going to place my fork down while chewing; reflect on the experience of eating, the colors, textures, flavors.  I might have to use my left hand instead of my right to hold my fork.  If all else fails, I'll break out the chopsticks! 
I've already stopped serving food at the table since its much too much effort to get up and go into the kitchen for seconds (heaven forbid, thirds!).  Smaller plates/bowls/utensils?  Every little bit helps.

Who's with me? 
Take it down a notch before the holidays arrive!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Fit Tip

Yes, yes, I'm reaching a bit beyond my realm of expertise on this Fit Tip but I do have an opinion and I believe it to be notable. 
Make an appointment today to get a flu shot.
Most of us will take our kids, encourage our partners, and even think of our parents before taking care of ourselves.  This year's flu shot has already been available for about two months and is available in a much more friendly form.  If you're lucky, you might be eligible for the nasal mist, but if nothing else, the short needle is a dream compared to the old-fashioned dagger once used.
If taking care of yourself just for the sake of "care" is not good enough, consider the fact that if you are not immunized then you are putting others around you at risk. 
Don't be the person at the gym touching all my weights with your dirty germs!  Now go wash your hands, make an appointment with the doctor, wash your hands again, clean off your phone screen, wash your hands again...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Fit Tip

Tired, tired, tired, bored, bored, bored?!  I'm always suggesting shaking things up and (I'm speaking to  myself here), sometimes its just too much work to find something new.  Heaven forbid actually trying it~

This week add the Offset Squat to your leg routine:
  • Hold a medicine ball (or anything handy that will comfortably sit on your shoulder) on right shoulder, place left hand on hip.  Stand with feet wider than shoulders.
  • Squat until thighs are parallel to the ground.
  • Push through heels as you rise up. 
  • Repeat (10-15 reps)
  • Hold ball on left shoulder on the next set.
(MacGyver  suggests trying water bottles/jugs, dumbbells/kettle bells, a small bag of pet food, Costco sized shampoo or whatever, a large text...)

Work it out!  No excuses!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Fit Tip from Dr. Oz

Since I didn't post on my usual Wednesday, I had already planned all that I was going to write today.  My usual schedule dictates that I check my email prior to posting on my you know that's how it went.  I recieved an email from ShareCare yesterday and I couldn't help but love this article!  Hope you do as well.  (and all you cuties under 40, I think this works for all of us-male/female/juniors/more matures)

To conquer your over-40 belly once and for all, follow my easy 5-step plan:
1. Eat in Reverse: How would you like to blast off belly fat by eating spaghetti for breakfast? You can! As a general rule of thumb, eat carb-heavy meals early in the day so they get burned off rather than stored as belly fat. At dinnertime, do the opposite: Focus on eating lighter, mostly protein-based meals.

2. Create a Fiber Pack: All women over 40 should consume 25 grams of fiber per day to stay healthy. As an added benefit, fiber helps you stay full. However, you don't want to consume all your fiber at once or you'll get bloated.

3. Drink One Glass of Red Wine Daily: With age comes more responsibilities and often more stress, which directly affects the belly by inflaming fat cells and causing weight gain. Studies have also shown a link between a moderate amount of alcohol consumption and less belly fat. Reduce stress where you can and also drink one glass (6 oz) of red wine a day. It'll help you relax and also provides antioxidant-rich resveratol, known to reduce inflammation.

4. Confuse Your Muscles: Here's something that may surprise you: Muscles get accustomed to doing the same exercises, and when you're not challenging them, you stop burning as much fat. To address this dilemma, change your exercise routine.

5. Make a Belly Band: A lot of women turn a blind eye to their waist size, but that's a dangerous mistake. Women with waists larger than approximately 32 inches are at risk for heart disease, diabetes, stroke and cancer. Make a belly band by placing a ribbon around the center of your waist and cutting it to size with a pair of scissors. Use this band to track your waistline daily, and make sure you're staying within the range of 32 inches or less.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Fit Tip continued

As a continued nag about setting a schedule, remember that we all make time for things we really want (to do)!  Make staying fit and healthy what you really want today. 
Prioritize now!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Fit Tip

I've heard it for the last three and a half years (and have been guilty of saying it myself!) "I'm too busy to..."

I know its not my first post on this subject but as you well know, I always rant about what's going on with me at the moment.

Schedule, schedule, schedule!  I realized the day-exactly that I stopped teaching, how much I relied on a set schedule.  I loved knowing work started each day at 7:45, lunch bell rang and signaled my meal at 12:30, planning period was at 1:45, and the release bell at 3:40.  I did the same activity at the same time each day:  wake, cleanse, food, coffee, copy making, Period 2, 3, calls, and planning outside activities.  Even Ripley became a product of my obsession with scheduling and to this day, we stick to the "school bell" routine for her walks and eating. 
I find the busier my schedule, the more I can accomplish.

I'm not suggesting you get all locked in and crazy, but I do think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.
  • Schedule a time to make your grocery list.  Schedule what days you'll prep the food and what meals will occur on which days.  Plan it!
  • Snacks need prep too, so include those in the above schedule.
  • Schedule when you'll grocery shop.
  • Schedule when you will exercise.  If today doesn't include a full 30 minutes of free time for exercise, schedule the 5-10 minute breaks you intend to use for activity (conference call at 2:45?  take your phone on a stroll...)
  • Schedule at least 30 minutes to exercise!  Put it in ink, share it with your family/colleagues/friends.
  • Schedule 10 minutes for yourself.  Kids, magazine, TV, only takes 10 minutes to revive yourself.
Make it a proper schedule and post it so that it is visible.  The entire family should know what's going on and when.  Don't use those around you as an excuse to not accomplish what's best for your health!
Schedule some healthy today.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fit Tip

He who labors diligently need never despair; for all things are accomplished by diligence and labor.
Keep up all the hard work you've put in this year; recognize your failures and celebrate your success.  Don't let a day off from your job interrupt your fitness.  Keep eating clean and training!  Consider your work toward fitness an investment, not a luxury.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fit Tip

Last week I encouraged you to make some changes for the upcoming "back to school" season, even if you weren't sending kids back to school. 
This week I started thinking about that.  Several years ago I was watching Dr. Phil (yep, some of the time I really like him!) and he had an episode concerning weight loss.  With his usual sharp tongue, he pointed out that if we are too fat to get into the clothes in our closet, don't buy new larger clothes; work to fit into the ones we have. 
Today, I'm reminding you that as you shop all the back to school sales and pick up all the last minute items you need (or are planning on hitting the mall because all the fall styles are in), do not buy anything if you believe you need to loose even a few pounds.  Consider your wardrobe on lock-down until you make changes in your measurements. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fit Tip

It's back to school again!  Even though I don't have children and no longer teach, I still feel a bit of change in the air.  We all know traffic patterns will be different, our co-workers hours will change (and maybe our own!), the gym will become crowded at unusual times, the clock will fall back, and eventually the weather will improve.

My tip today is to be prepared for the changes.  Don't wait to "get into the routine" of the new season's calendar.  Start your new habits the same day the family schedule modifies. 
  1. Sales are on for all things back to school so take advantage of that:  Buy a giant calendar and some markers and log your training.  Make it a desk top calendar or write on/wipe off wall poster so each of the members of the family can see it.  Go old school and put a sticker on days you've reached your workout/nutrition goal. 
  2. Invest in a planner and record the days schedule, including meals, snacks and workouts. 
  3. Don't overload your lists of things to do; tomorrow will be here before you know it!  Remember how great it feels to cross off items on your list so make the goal obtainable.
  4. At the grocery store, look at all the great back to school offerings and try out something new.  Purchase healthy snacks in 100 calorie packets.  Look for whole grains and low sugar in single serving sizes.  Start packing your breakfast/lunch/snacks for your day in a new lunch bag and include a bottle of water.
  5.  Already on a roll with diet and exercise?  Then time for a reward!  Buy a new pair of gym shoes or a new outfit for training.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fit Tip

 Just because I sent out some kindness last week doesn't mean I'm going soft on ya!  (Rumor has it that I might have lost a little street-cred with my last post-you know who your are.)  Since I don't want y'all to think its all teddy bears and kisses, this week I'm giving you the KILLA LIST.

Make sure you're not falling for these diet saboteurs:

Being unprepared:  without healthy foods in the fridge, you're most likely to snack on high calorie foods.  Make sure your kitchen is stocked with low-cal foods like veggies, fruits, string cheese, and Greek yogurt.

Skipping meals:  We tend to eat less when we keep a regular schedule for eating.

Declaring foods "off limits":  Don't make your faves even more tempting!  Allow yourself small portions or make a healthier version of the recipe (my way of doing it).

Aiming too high:  Make a small weekly goal for weight loss and review each week.  We all feel better when we win, don't we?  One pound this week?!  No problem.

Office meetings:  Break room or conference room at work always stocked with kolaches or cookies?  Know that and be prepared by bringing your own healthy snack or packing a tray for the entire team; maybe the hint will catch on.

Cutting out fat:  Healthy fats will help you feel fuller for longer and are necessary for vitamin absorption.  Don't hesitate to add some avocado to your dish, use a hint of low-fat dressing, or drink a 2% milk occasionally.

Drinking calories:  It's summer!  It's Texas!  It's hot and nothing tastes better right now than a big ol' margarita or cold beer.  See #3 above.  Try to limit beverages and always follow up each drink with a
glass of water. 

Not exercising:  Eating clean is only half the battle!  Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

In a rut:  We all hit plateaus!  Look for ways to reinvigorate weight loss efforts; buy a new cookbook, invite a friend to workout with you, call a trainer.

Feeling hungry:  Stomach growling? Go ahead and snack.  First, have a cold glass of water and then wait for the rumble to return.  Choose healthy-blanched almonds, celery with peanut butter, string cheese.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fit Tip Love

I'm passing on some good vibes this first day of August!  Here are eight reasons to start loving your body today:
  1. Because its unique; no one else has the same one.
  2. Because its capable of amazing feats; you can run, jump, lift, squat, hug, and snuggle.
  3. Because no matter how badly you treat it, its willing to give you a second chance.
  4. Because its expressive, telling you how it feels, and advertising to others how you feel about it.
  5. Because confidence is sexy!
  6. Because your daughter (sibling, niece, cousin) must learn to love hers.
  7. Because somebody admires, covets, adores it.
  8. Because you'll regret not loving it more later.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Fit Tip

Alright, I know I'm getting older, but is it just me or are shorts getting shorter and heels getting taller?  I do like to rock my short shorts, but I can't manage those heels.  Absolutely; I need my calves to look sexy sexy even if I'm just working my cutest Havaiana's.  Don't we all? To make your calves pop, try adding this move to your routine three days a week: 
Stand up tall with feet slightly wider than hips and turn your toes out at a 45 degree angle.
Keep your legs straight and tap your heels on the floor twice; raise yourself up onto tiptoe.  Repeat 25 times.
Finish up by doing a single heel-tap followed by a heel-lift 20 times moving as quickly as possible.
Say hello definition! 

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Fit Tip ARGH!!

Once you have convinced yourself to go to the gym (or pop in that DVD, hit the streets, grab your bike), don't do anything elseJust go! 
You'll feel so much better once you're finished.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Fit Tip

Weather got you down?  First its hot, hot, hot, and now its wet, wet, wet!  Don't let the environment effect your mood which will in turn, boomerang your sleeping, eating and exercise habits.
Keep in the company of the upbeat.  Don't let your BFF with a nasty attitude bring you down.  Have a downer colleague?  Avoid her as well!  Skip lunch with the crew and take a brisk walk and enjoy some happy tunes and grab a healthy to-go meal.
Focus on happy thoughts.  If you're having "one of those days," STOP and think about what's going on.  Consider a way to put a positive spin on it.  Computer keeps locking up?  Take a second to organize that file that's been filling up, take a few deep breaths, walk to a coworkers desk...
Don't forget fragrances and scents:  citrus and mint will perk up energy levels as well as mood, and if stress is getting to you, get a whiff of lavender.
Exercise!  Surprise.  I know you knew that was coming.  Even if traffic is terrible, alarm clock gets turned off, just can't face getting out in the weather, don't fret it.  Grab a 10 minute workout in the house.  Jumping jacks, high kicks, squats, push-ups, birpees, chair dips...I could go on.
      *check out Mayo Clinic "positive thinking" for more great ideas

A man is but the product of his thoughts; what he thinks, he becomes.
Mahatma Gandhi

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Patriotism is easy to understand in America;
it means looking out for yourself by looking out for your country.
Calvin Coolidge
This holiday week, show pride in your body- your temple- and the country we love and call home. 

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Fit Tip

Yeah, its HOT!  Don't let this opportunity slip by; focus on diet this season.  We all know that the equation for being healthy and smoking hot is tricky, but I know you don't back down from a challenge.  Tis the season to eat cool, clean, and light!  Savor meals with whole grains, lean protein, dairy and plenty of fruits and veg.  Nows a great time to break out that crock pot and get to cooking!

If anyone is interested, I'll send a fine recipe I tried yesterday (served chilled) mixed up in the crock pot; chicken, mango and some spicy spicy served up cool on a bed of lettuce.  Yum!

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Again the Fit Tip

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity."
     -Preamble to the Constitution of the World Health Organization, 1946

So yeah, I'm still on the feeling groovy bandwagon for super fitness!  Personally, I've noticed through the years that I tend to look my best when I'm at my happiest.  I rarely loose weight during those times, nor do I change my schedule or routine. (I'm sure if I looked hard I'd see a trend, but I'm no statistician!)  I do know that upon reflexion, those were times when all was right with my world.

Idea Fitness Journal is my motivator this week and I'm quoting from an article published entitled "The Happiness Factor." 
Here's a list of what they call What Happy People Do:
  • devote a great amount of time to nurturing and enjoying relationships;
  • are comfortable expressing gratitude;
  • are often the first to offer help to others;
  • are optimistic about their futures;
  • live in the present moment;
  • make physical exercise a weekly and daily habit;
  • are deeply committed to lifelong goals and ambitions; and
  • have stresses and even tragedies, but are able to cope in the face of challenges.
This week, focus on being happy.  It doesn't come easy to many of us!  I've been practicing happiness for the last many years and I won't lie to you (I never do!), it's a lot of work.  But trust me, its worth all the effort you put into it.  Go ahead, make my glass half full please!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Holiday Fit Tip

I saw this in Sunday's Parade and saved it to share this week.  Dr. Oz will announce the winner of Transformation Nation this week.  If you don't know, its a contest co-partnered by Dr. Oz and Weight Watchers.  Participants were asked to practice seven steps to make changes in their lifestyle, hence improving overall health and losing weight. 
The seven key steps:
Tell a friend
Official weigh-in/calculate your BMI
Learn your family’s health history
Get more sleep
Assess your stress and
Start new fitness habits. 

It seems that reducing stress had a huge impact on participants overall success (including weight loss).

This holiday weekend, my weekly challenge to you is to make relaxing a priority.  If you already have big plans, try to incorporate "me time" into that.  Delegate chores and jobs for your event, review the itinerary and delete excessive activities, and keep in mind that sometimes less really is more!

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Fit Tip

It's closing in on summer and I'm sure all the parents out there are scrambling to fill the kids schedule with activities for the summer.
Grab some of the fun and get your workout in by volunteering to work with your child's sports team! 

No plans to "join a team," then host your own kick-ball game/softball game/soccer match/tether-ball competition, etc once a week in your neighborhood!

No young-uns?  Check out the calendar of events with your nieces and nephews or sign up with a charitable organization.  Game on!

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Fit Tip

You know how I'm always preaching the 10 minute workout...well, here's some easy ways to fit that in to your crazy schedule:
  • While watching TV, do a chore (like dusting, Swiffering the floor, polishing silver, etc). 
  • During commercials, do an exercise for the duration of the ad.  Try jumping jacks, triceps dip, push ups, or burpees.
  • Make homemade bread-by hand!  Don't use the bread maker or Kitchen Aid; go old school and mix and knead by hand.
  • Use the rest room in your office building farthest from your desk.
  • Walk your talk; while chatting on the phone, move your body.
  • Wash your own car!
  • Rent an exercise video and shake up your routine.  FYI, Net Flix will hook you up.
  • Every two hours at work, stand up, move away from your desk; take a flight of stairs, walk to the hallway water fountain, stretch and move.
  • Escape for 5 or 10 minutes and walk around the building/house/school.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Oh yeah, it's a Fit Tip!

Go into your workout with a positive, happy attitude. 
Tell yourself this is going to be the best workout ever!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Fit Tip

Just to knock a little sense into you guys...
According to a study at the University of Wisconsin, people who fail to exercise at least three times a week are 70% more likely to develop age-related macular degeneration.  Yes!  That's the leading cause of adult onset blindness.

We always just think of our "beach bodies" and rarely anything else when it comes to exercise. 
Keep the big picture in mind and hit the gym!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I just rummaged through the fridge and couldn't find anything that seemed to call my name.  I tried a new "recipe" and thought I'd share! 

1, 6 oz. Fage non-fat yogurt  (100 calories)
1 heaping teasponn Nestle Nesquick no sugar added chocolate mix (~9 cals)
1 heaping teaspoon Shredded, no sugar added Coconut (~20)
2 teaspoon MaranathaAlmond Butter (~50)

(of course since I made it up, all measurements were "to taste", hence the heavy on the almond)

It was just like eating a big o'l Almond Joy without the guilt!  Not to mention I am totally stuffed since Greek yogurt is rich in protein and good carbs. YUM

Remember to shake it up occasionally and use all the good stuff you've collected in the past week (or more!) to try something new.  When you keep healthy ingredients in the pantry, there's always something great to eat.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Fit Tip

Still looking for that something-something to tweak your fitness routine?  Try these simple alterations to the same ol' same ol':

Squats:  1 1/4 Squat-  stand with feet hip width apart and push back into a regular squat.  Rise up and pause at a quarter of the way; pause.  Go back down to parallel before fulling rising.  That's one rep.

Lunge:  Twisting Lunge- Stand with hands behind ears and step left leg forward; lunge down and at the bottom of the movement, twist the torso left, hold for one second.  Return to starting position and alternate legs for repetitions.

Chest Press:  Internally Rotating Chest Press- lie on a bench or on floor, knees bent and holding a dumbbell in each hand.  Bend elbows with palms facing each other.  Press straight up, rotating arms at the top so that thumbs come together and palms face forward.  Rotate palms back to the down position.

Crunch:  60 Degree Crunch- Place a rolled bath towel under your lower back as you lie on floor.  Bend knees, keeping feet flat.  Crunch up as high as you can while pressing the lower back into the towel.  Pause at the top for two seconds, repeat.

Sleep:  Set your alarm clock so that you don't sleep in on Saturday and Sunday!  Make time for exercise and eating three to six healthy meals on the weekends (rather than "saving up" for brunch, skipping dinner, binging on unhealthy snacks, etc).

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fit Tip

Shocking I know, but today I am going to suggest that you reach deep and pull it all out!  I usually suggest taking breaks, resting, honoring yourself, blah..blah...blah...

This time I'm telling you to gut it out and rock a tough week!  Go back-to-back workouts for one week just to show your bod you still can.  Your muscles will freak and perform at their finest BECAUSE THEY CAN.  This overload will certainly shake up any plateaus you've reach during your winter workouts.

Don't forget to vary your workouts while you do this.  Hit various classes that are available, sign up for a class if you don't normally participate, run outside instead of on the treadmill, swim, bike instead of walk (I could go on!), but be sure and work multiple days in a row.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I  whipped out a Yoga DVD this week and had a few friends around to give it a go with me.  Now, it is my favorite yoga DVD that I own, and I have had it for years (which means I've used it a lot!) so it was like riding a bike to work along with the yogi; I noticed that my friends were also completely in-tune with the movements and flows and all of us were completely engaged and silent.
After we finished the 45 minute session, we sat back and talked about the workout.
My girls were so impressed with the simple reminders given while were in a pose; all agreed that it was so important to "realize" what the body was doing rather than just physically working.

This week while you exercise, THINK!  Slow down, imagine the movement, see the work your muscles are doing (including your heart), and be mindful of your exquisite form.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Fit Tip

"Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement.  Nothing can be done without hope or confidence."

Helen Keller

Remember to congratulate yourself for jobs well done, thank yourself for deeds accomplished, and surround yourself with positive people.  

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Live Strong Post

Turkey Burgers

Many people think that ordering a turkey burger instead of beef will keep them slim. Don’t be fooled. The average restaurant-style turkey burger has more than 600 calories and 30 grams of fat – and that’s without the bun or toppings. “The next time you’re wondering which burger to choose, don’t worry about the type of meat,” Moskovitz says. “Instead, limit your portion size by sharing it with a friend, or going open-faced.”

Read more:

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Fit Tip

If you're like me and don't eat a lot of fruit, don't fret about getting Vitamin C if you munch on plenty of veg. 
Kale, broccoli, cauliflower and bell peppers are loaded with C; brussel sprouts, potatoes, mustard greens, peas and cabbage are also nice choices. 
Remember to cook for a minimum amount of time so that you don't allow the nutrients of the vegetables to break down.  (And no, french fried potatoes don't count~)

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Fit Tip

This week add a Ballet Squat to your leg routine. 
Stand with your feet wide, toes turned out and press up into the balls of your feet.  Keeping your heels up, slightly roll your pelvis under and squat down, maintaining a straight line from your tailbone up your spine.  Press up to start while keeping your heels off the floor. 
Repeat for three sets of 10. 
For more of a challenge, hold weights in your hands, keeping them close to your hips.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Fit Tip

While you're lifting this week:
  • Push Yourself- choose a weight that is moderately heavy for you and do 12-15 reps for four sets.  The final reps should be challenging!
  • Keep Time- lift the weight for three seconds and lower for two seconds.  Concentrate on your form and take advantage of the concentric and essentric muscle movement.
  • Rest briefly-30 seconds of rest between sets will keep your heart rate elevated and calorie burn potential high.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Daily Inspiration

"Nothing can stop the man with the right mental attitude from achieving his goal; nothing on earth can help the man with the wrong attitude"
Thomas Jefferson

Thursday, February 2, 2012

One Born Every Minute

I couldn't resist!  I purchased a one year subscription to Body Bugg.  Yes, 24 Hour does know how to work it and they offered me three free weeks and then a huge savings on a 12 month subscription.  How could I say no???? 
I'm all over my Live Strong, My Plate so I've been logging my food intake and exercise output but now I'll have my own "built in" pedometer, calorie calculator. 
You can't stop me now!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Keep Fit

Results come quickly to the beginner.  In time, things appear to come to a halt. 
Remain confident that sticking to it will allow progress to take place.  You didn't put on a few pounds or add a couple of inches overnight so don't expect them to disappear quickly.

You can do this!

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fit Tip

When lifting weights, lower slowly and lift fast. 
Research suggests that the longer it takes to lower the weight builds strength faster, and quickly lifting  weight activates the greatest number of muscle fibers.  Consider at 2-3 second extension (lowering) and contract (lift) as quickly as possible.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012


According to the Journal of the American Medical Association, this is the number of minutes of moderate exercise needed each week to maintain a healthy body weight without making any dietary changes.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Fit Tip

Oscar Wilde is quoted as saying "anyone who lives within their means suffers from a lack of imagination."

I'm posting this today because the same is true of your workouts.  If you are constantly practicing the same routine  then you are "living within your means."  Plan on pushing the envelope at least twice a month to keep your muscles (and that includes your heart) challenged.

Use your imagination-try something you're not sure that you can complete; you might surprise yourself!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Lost but hopefully not forgotten

No, not my fitness...ok, well maybe just a bit.  Yes, I've been off the grid for way too long and I apologize. 
I'm not much for sharing all my stuff with folks on line, but if you know me then it's no news to you that 2011 wasn't my favorite year.  Anytime one has multiple surgeries in a year I hope everyone assumes its not been fantastic.
As the whole world is doing about now, I am re-evaluating my goals for the new year and am anticipating a much healthier (and therefore happier!) 2012.  I hope your are as well.

Again, being one not to fluff over things, let me get right down to it. 
1) Make a change!  Don't imagine things will be great if you don't change what hasn't been working for you. 
2) Believe it.  Don't just hope to lose weight/build muscle/lean out/run 5k/get a new job, lover, car, house, know it will be. 
3) Be accountable.  Everyone needs help; write your goal(s) down and review the list often, tell your BFF and talk regularly, ask for assistance (that's what I'm here for!).

And as I'm reminding myself, it's never too late to start.  I've been up and at 'em all week and so far so good.  It's Jan. 4 and I'm posting for the first time in months but I like posts in mid-week; the hump day sitting and thinking works well for me.  I don't know about you, but sometimes just slowing my roll helps a lot (thanks KR!).