Thursday, November 15, 2012

Fit Tip

My favorite tip is the one you already know, you just refuse to utilize!  As Thanksgiving is quickly approaching and Christmas not so far behind, be cognisant of all the tips of holidays past...

As soon as you enter the party, grab a drink (water, tea, spritzer is best)!  One hand for extending, the other for holding a glass.
Use a small plate when grazing as well as dining.
Save space on your plate for the favorite items you dismiss all year; have a sample of all-time faves and skip the chips and salsa, ranch dip, etc. 
Eat!  Don't deprive yourself of a taste of dressing, hot rolls, sweet potato casserole, pie, whatever rocks your world on the holidays.
Don't skip meals; "saving up calories" just leads to overeating.  Have a reasonable breakfast consisting of protein and good carbs.  So I repeat, Eat!

It wouldn't be a fit tip if I didn't talk exercise, so on Thanksgiving and all the weeks to follow, keep in mind that some is better than none!  My wish is that everyone would hit it over the long weekend, but reality often presents itself differently.  Consider a walk around the block with that friend or relative you've been meaning to chat with.  What a great way to burn some calories and fuel the love!

Most importantly, keep it all in check!

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