Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Holiday Fit Tip

I saw this in Sunday's Parade and saved it to share this week.  Dr. Oz will announce the winner of Transformation Nation this week.  If you don't know, its a contest co-partnered by Dr. Oz and Weight Watchers.  Participants were asked to practice seven steps to make changes in their lifestyle, hence improving overall health and losing weight. 
The seven key steps:
Tell a friend
Official weigh-in/calculate your BMI
Learn your family’s health history
Get more sleep
Assess your stress and
Start new fitness habits. 

It seems that reducing stress had a huge impact on participants overall success (including weight loss).

This holiday weekend, my weekly challenge to you is to make relaxing a priority.  If you already have big plans, try to incorporate "me time" into that.  Delegate chores and jobs for your event, review the itinerary and delete excessive activities, and keep in mind that sometimes less really is more!

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