Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fit Tip Love

I'm passing on some good vibes this first day of August!  Here are eight reasons to start loving your body today:
  1. Because its unique; no one else has the same one.
  2. Because its capable of amazing feats; you can run, jump, lift, squat, hug, and snuggle.
  3. Because no matter how badly you treat it, its willing to give you a second chance.
  4. Because its expressive, telling you how it feels, and advertising to others how you feel about it.
  5. Because confidence is sexy!
  6. Because your daughter (sibling, niece, cousin) must learn to love hers.
  7. Because somebody admires, covets, adores it.
  8. Because you'll regret not loving it more later.

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