Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I  whipped out a Yoga DVD this week and had a few friends around to give it a go with me.  Now, it is my favorite yoga DVD that I own, and I have had it for years (which means I've used it a lot!) so it was like riding a bike to work along with the yogi; I noticed that my friends were also completely in-tune with the movements and flows and all of us were completely engaged and silent.
After we finished the 45 minute session, we sat back and talked about the workout.
My girls were so impressed with the simple reminders given while were in a pose; all agreed that it was so important to "realize" what the body was doing rather than just physically working.

This week while you exercise, THINK!  Slow down, imagine the movement, see the work your muscles are doing (including your heart), and be mindful of your exquisite form.

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