Friday, January 7, 2011

Keep it up!

We're already one week in to the New Year and I'm sure you are all keeping up your fitness goals.  I was having a conversion with a client this week about "eating in."  K had resolved to start eating at home more and cooking with her own recipes, ingredients, and add-ins to insure she was in control of exactly what she was consuming.  Awesome! 

Don't be afraid to remake your favs.  I really enjoy finding a recipe and deconstructing it to make it a healthier version of a tasty dish.  Just a few easy substitutions can really make any dish amazingly lighter and healthier.  Don't be shy about using whole wheat flour, adding flax or wheat germ, substituting apple sauce for oil, using Stivia instead of sugar, and sprinkling in any other spice than salt.

Absolutely ditch those creamy, buttery sauces and the salt!  You'll be pleasantly surprised at how delicious your foods are without all that gunk.

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