Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Fit Tip

He who labors diligently need never despair; for all things are accomplished by diligence and labor.
Keep up all the hard work you've put in this year; recognize your failures and celebrate your success.  Don't let a day off from your job interrupt your fitness.  Keep eating clean and training!  Consider your work toward fitness an investment, not a luxury.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Fit Tip

Last week I encouraged you to make some changes for the upcoming "back to school" season, even if you weren't sending kids back to school. 
This week I started thinking about that.  Several years ago I was watching Dr. Phil (yep, some of the time I really like him!) and he had an episode concerning weight loss.  With his usual sharp tongue, he pointed out that if we are too fat to get into the clothes in our closet, don't buy new larger clothes; work to fit into the ones we have. 
Today, I'm reminding you that as you shop all the back to school sales and pick up all the last minute items you need (or are planning on hitting the mall because all the fall styles are in), do not buy anything if you believe you need to loose even a few pounds.  Consider your wardrobe on lock-down until you make changes in your measurements. 

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Fit Tip

It's back to school again!  Even though I don't have children and no longer teach, I still feel a bit of change in the air.  We all know traffic patterns will be different, our co-workers hours will change (and maybe our own!), the gym will become crowded at unusual times, the clock will fall back, and eventually the weather will improve.

My tip today is to be prepared for the changes.  Don't wait to "get into the routine" of the new season's calendar.  Start your new habits the same day the family schedule modifies. 
  1. Sales are on for all things back to school so take advantage of that:  Buy a giant calendar and some markers and log your training.  Make it a desk top calendar or write on/wipe off wall poster so each of the members of the family can see it.  Go old school and put a sticker on days you've reached your workout/nutrition goal. 
  2. Invest in a planner and record the days schedule, including meals, snacks and workouts. 
  3. Don't overload your lists of things to do; tomorrow will be here before you know it!  Remember how great it feels to cross off items on your list so make the goal obtainable.
  4. At the grocery store, look at all the great back to school offerings and try out something new.  Purchase healthy snacks in 100 calorie packets.  Look for whole grains and low sugar in single serving sizes.  Start packing your breakfast/lunch/snacks for your day in a new lunch bag and include a bottle of water.
  5.  Already on a roll with diet and exercise?  Then time for a reward!  Buy a new pair of gym shoes or a new outfit for training.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Fit Tip

 Just because I sent out some kindness last week doesn't mean I'm going soft on ya!  (Rumor has it that I might have lost a little street-cred with my last post-you know who your are.)  Since I don't want y'all to think its all teddy bears and kisses, this week I'm giving you the KILLA LIST.

Make sure you're not falling for these diet saboteurs:

Being unprepared:  without healthy foods in the fridge, you're most likely to snack on high calorie foods.  Make sure your kitchen is stocked with low-cal foods like veggies, fruits, string cheese, and Greek yogurt.

Skipping meals:  We tend to eat less when we keep a regular schedule for eating.

Declaring foods "off limits":  Don't make your faves even more tempting!  Allow yourself small portions or make a healthier version of the recipe (my way of doing it).

Aiming too high:  Make a small weekly goal for weight loss and review each week.  We all feel better when we win, don't we?  One pound this week?!  No problem.

Office meetings:  Break room or conference room at work always stocked with kolaches or cookies?  Know that and be prepared by bringing your own healthy snack or packing a tray for the entire team; maybe the hint will catch on.

Cutting out fat:  Healthy fats will help you feel fuller for longer and are necessary for vitamin absorption.  Don't hesitate to add some avocado to your dish, use a hint of low-fat dressing, or drink a 2% milk occasionally.

Drinking calories:  It's summer!  It's Texas!  It's hot and nothing tastes better right now than a big ol' margarita or cold beer.  See #3 above.  Try to limit beverages and always follow up each drink with a
glass of water. 

Not exercising:  Eating clean is only half the battle!  Exercise at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week.

In a rut:  We all hit plateaus!  Look for ways to reinvigorate weight loss efforts; buy a new cookbook, invite a friend to workout with you, call a trainer.

Feeling hungry:  Stomach growling? Go ahead and snack.  First, have a cold glass of water and then wait for the rumble to return.  Choose healthy-blanched almonds, celery with peanut butter, string cheese.

Check yourself before you wreck yourself!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Fit Tip Love

I'm passing on some good vibes this first day of August!  Here are eight reasons to start loving your body today:
  1. Because its unique; no one else has the same one.
  2. Because its capable of amazing feats; you can run, jump, lift, squat, hug, and snuggle.
  3. Because no matter how badly you treat it, its willing to give you a second chance.
  4. Because its expressive, telling you how it feels, and advertising to others how you feel about it.
  5. Because confidence is sexy!
  6. Because your daughter (sibling, niece, cousin) must learn to love hers.
  7. Because somebody admires, covets, adores it.
  8. Because you'll regret not loving it more later.