Monday, April 25, 2011

One month LATER

So I needed a little more recovery time than I originally bargained for; it happens right?! 

The good news is that I'm back and working on being better than ever!  I hope you, too, are taking steps to maintain, regain, renew your fitness.

I am working diligently and oh, so very carefully, and recovering my fitness; I haven't been so sore in years!  The pain and tenderness is pretty awesome though and I'm digging the great feeling of accomplishment the end of each workout brings.

As you're journeying through, keep in mind that everyone slips back on occasion; the step up is where it's at!  As always, my mantra is think specific, write it down, look at it often and document failures and accomplishments!

For the month of May, I'm working on bathing suit season!    My goal is to loose 1% body fat:  small, specific, documented and obtainable in a short period of time.

Ready, set, GO

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