Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Don't forget the carbs!

Yep, its summer and we're all concerned with looking our best in few clothes.  Carbohydrates are our main source of energy and are going to help you work harder to look stronger and leaner this summer.  The American Dietetic Association recommends 45-65% of our diet be carbohydrate!  Look for non-processed, high fiber carbs to add a nutritive punch to your diet.  Some good choices include:
Whole Fruits: (not fruit juice):  apple, apricots, avocado, banana, berries, citrus fruits, canaloupe, peaches
Vegetable:  asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, snow peas, spinach, squash, sweet potatoes
Legumes:  peas, beans, lentils
Nuts and seeds:  almonds, sunflower, flaxseeds
Whole grains:  brown rice, whole oats and breads, cereal or crackers made from whole grain

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Control the mid-day/late evening nosh

Feel as if you can't get a grip on your appetite?  Try eating an apple 30 minutes prior to meals.  The fiber will fill you up and the nutrition will enhance your mind and body performance.
Start out by snacking on half of the apple for a week and increase to the whole apple if you don't feel satiated when meal time rolls around.  Experiment!  Shop the apple aisle and pick up a variety of flavors. Still hungry at meal time?  Add a one ounce bite of low-fat cheddar cheese or 1 tablespoon nut butter (without additives!)

Don't forget to log the calories in your food journal!  Healthy snacks count, too.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fit Tip

Don't do anything else once you've convinced yourself  to go to the gym (the class, the park, the trail,  the street...). 
You'll feel better!